Saturday, April 11, 2020

What's Making Me Happy This Week

  1. Cake!  Last Sunday was my birthday.  
  2. The show Community on Netflix.  We're doing a rewatch of all the seasons as a family in the evenings and that laughter is so needed right now!
  3. Coronavirus memes!
  4. Small bursts of art in the mornings this week while having my first cup of coffee.
  5. I had a Girl Scout meeting where we played "telephone" on Zoom.  OMG it was so much fun!  Then we stayed on just going through old pictures and memories.  Two of them posted on Instagram old pictures of the troop - what a great trip down memory lane.  And speaking of that - this week 3 years ago, I took my troop to the Grand Canyon for Spring Break.  It was our end-of-8th grade trip.  

#corona #covid19 #coronavirus #zoommeetings #zoom #patrickstewart #shakespeare #girlscouts #girlscoutmeetings #family #cooking #cookingduringcorona #livinglavidacorona #livinlavidacorona #socialdistancing #socialdistance #socialdistancecooking #socialdistancebaking #coronacooking #baking #bakingbread #bread #homemadebread #girlpower #friends #socialdistancing #zoom #zoommeeting #sillyfaces #girlscoutsrock #girlscoutmeeting #girlboss #happierpodcast #happierathome #whatsmakingmehappy

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