Friday, February 28, 2020

What's making me happy this week

  1. Damian's stop motion animation project.  He used LEGOs!  
  2. Girl Scouts - it's cookie season and yes, I like it.  It's stressful to make sure we sell all the boxes of cookies, but when we make a sale, it's a great feeling!
  3. My Celebrate Everything calendar.  Every day is a holiday!  Today is Tooth Fairy Day.
  4. Nadia's dance teachers - Jackie, Mel, Ina, and Jerry to name just a few.  Jackie, Mel, and Ina are from her high school CHAMPS Charter High School for the Arts.  Jerry coaches her privately for her competitions and is one of her teachers at Burbank Dance Academy.  
  5. The potential of moving on from a stagnant situation.

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