Saturday, January 16, 2016

It takes work...

If things are going to be different, it's going to take some work.

Two weeks into the new year, and I'm back into the thinking that things have to be different simply because it's a new year.  Well, that's the kind of thinking that leads to depression about being in a rut.  I know because in the past, right around the new year, I would get down on the fact that the more things change, the more they stay the same.  Every year, we make resolutions (or resolve to not make them!) and then by mid January (for me anyway) things go back to being the same as before.  It's as though we think that just because a number changed on the calendar, things will change because we simply will it.

Well, that's not how it works.  It's only taken me 43 years to be able to articulate this.

Something else I've learned and see the wisdom of:  breaking things down into steps and smaller goals to be able to tackle them.  Of course, there are all sorts of other blogs, coaches, self-help books to tell you this.  And I have read quite a few of them, have some of those books on my shelves.  I know this fact...but it doesn't mean it automatically translates into following said advice.

I also know of the advice of declaring to the world what your goals are and that is supposed to be some sort of pressure to keep trying.  By sharing goals with others, they are supposed to keep you accountable.  Been there, done that, too.

But, doesn't mean I shouldn't try it again.  So here goes:

My goal this year is to get back to writing and update this blog more often. I think every other week would be great, but the ultimate goal is to write once a week.

The long term purpose for this is to write for a living.  To be paid to write, which is what I really love to do.

You'd think that if I loved it so much, I'd do it more.  I don't know why I don't.  I claim I don't have time.  And yet, I have the time to keep up with my favorite TV shows.  Really that's my downtime though.  I get home from work or meetings and plop down on the couch and turn on the TV.  I need to just grab my laptop and write before I do that.

So dear readers (all 5 of you, haha!), if it occurs to you, shoot me a message to encourage me to write.  Especially if I haven't posted in more than a week.

After all, isn't that the point of publicly sharing my goals with the world?  See, it's all up to you, really.


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